Thursday, December 31, 2009

Yet Another New Years Eve

And so it comes to this – another New Year’s Eve. In some ways, this one is special. Not only is it the end of a year, it is the end of a decade. And, it is also a blue moon to boot. Seems like the right time for what is becoming an increasingly rare commentary from yours truly.

I suppose it is never a good idea to tempt fate and never a good idea to speak – or write – in absolutes. But, I have just done the latter twice in one sentence. That having been said, the year 2009 was unquestionably the worst year of my increasingly lengthy life.

Were there blessings and things for which to be grateful? Yes, absolutely. I am still alive, still employed and relatively free of day-to-day survival worries. Other than a dwindling retirement fund, I have been pretty much unscathed by the economic woes that have devastated so many. I count many, many friends, continue to enjoy a little music and a little golf and usually find interesting ways to occupy my time.

But, it has also been a year of unprecedented loss. My ex-wife, with whom I was still very close, died in January and my mother passed away in July. My primary relationship that I thought would last for a long while ended in late May. Two good friends moved 1000 miles away and it is unlikely that I will ever see either one of them again. And, three close friends also saw their long-time relationships come to puzzling ends as well. Just this morning I read of the death of a long-time co-worker and golfing friend.

In January I inherited two cats, bringing my indoor total to four. I love cats. I mean, I REALLY love cats, and I would not give up any of the 4 that share my house. But, you know what? Four cats is a lot of cats! (Edited on 1/3/10 to avoid bad karma. )

The youngest of the four is 11, the oldest will be 19 in May. Two of them are somewhat sick and require daily medication. One goes to the vet every 10 days for fluids. I took her – Mittens – in on the first Friday of June expecting to have her put down. They suggested I give her the weekend. And now, she is still around and seemingly as spry as ever.

So, maybe this is a better time to focus on the positive. I fear that 2009 will not hold its record for being the worst year ever very long.